Keep printed pages free of barcodes

Unlike QR codes, which require visible, unsightly marks on printed materials, RICOH Clickable Paper™ uses image recognition software to create invisible hotspots—leaving the printed page unchanged—and it allows you to assign multiple links to each hotspot.

Without marking, editing, or reformatting the printed source materials, you can connect consumers to different digital experiences and interactive marketing resources.

A low-risk, growth strategy, RICOH Clickable Paper™ builds on your printing expertise and gives you a simple way to deliver more value to your clients or lines of business.


  1. Seamless experience 
    Take your audiences on instant journeys from the printed page to photos, videos, websites, maps, and more, using a clean, markless method
  2. Engaging content 
    Connect audiences to your offers in new and immersive ways
  3. Track and improve 
    Transform printed media with trackable data analytics that allow you to monitor click-throughs and results for ongoing campaign improvement
  4. Increase ad revenue 
    Give advertisers a good reason to keep buying print ads instead of online ads